EXCLUSIVE: Breast Milk Ice Cream, Anybody? See The Video

EXCLUSIVE: Breast Milk Ice Cream, Anybody? See The Video

A new London ice cream parlour is offering breast milk ice cream alongside the more traditional flavours like raspberry ripple and mint choc chip.

The breast milk ice cream - named Baby Gaga - is on sale at the Icecreamists parlour in Covent Garden.

So where does the milk come from? Well, Victoria Hiley, 35, from Leeds, has already donated a total of 30 fluid ounces of breast milk. And a number of ladies answered an advert for potential suppliers on the Mumsnet forum.

"I saw the advert offering to pay women to donate breast milk on a forum and it made me laugh," said mother of one Victoria.

"There were so many comments and people were having a debate on whether it could be genuine. "So I thought I'd find out."

Since then another 14 women have volunteered to become donors to The Icecreamists parlour in London's West End. Each donor receives £15 for every ten ounces of milk extracted by breast pumps.

And to maintain the highest standards, health checks for the lactating women are exactly the same used by the NHS to screen blood donors.

"It wasn't intrusive at all to donate - just a simple blood test," said Victoria.

"What could be more natural than fresh, free-range motherʼs milk in an ice cream?

"And for me itʼs a recession beater too – whatʼs the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash! Itʼs a bit of fun isnʼt it?"

In her day job Victoria works with women who have problems breast feeding their babies.

She believes that if adults realise how tasty breast milk actually is, new mothers will be more keen to continue breastfeeding their babies. She insists breast milk is much more easily digestible than the more traditional cows' milk ice cream.

Icecreamists' founder, Matt O'Connor, 44 from Hampshire, is confident he's got a scoop on his hands, even if the breast milk ice cream is priced at a cool £14.

We have to say though that initial testers weren't so keen to suck it and see!

He tested a range of radical ice creams at Selfridges in London last year and they proved so popular he decided to launch a new ice cream parlour business.

So might not Baby Gaga make some ice creams lovers want to, well, gag?

Matt, resplendent in a pink, purple and white jacket, insists not. "The Baby Gaga tastes creamy and rich" says Matt . "No-one's done anything interesting with ice cream in the last hundred years.

"We've came up with a method of infusing ice-cream with breast milk. We wanted to completely reinvent it.

"And by using breast milk we've definitely given it a 100% makeover. Itʼs just one of a dozen radical new flavours weʼve invented. We want to change the way people think about ice cream."

The recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then freshly churned into ice cream.

The good-for-you feel doen't extend to Gaga style costumed waitresses complete with breast cone costumes, who serve the breast milk ice cream in a martini glass with liquid nitrogen poured into the glass through a syringe.

"If it's good enough for our children it's good enough for the rest of us," said Matt.

"Some people will hear about it and go, yuck!"

"But actually it's pure, organic, free-range and totally natural. I had a Baby Gaga just this morning and I feel great."

More information can be found at www.theicecreamists.com
