Anorexic Under 10s: Shock Figures Released

Anorexic Under 10s: Shock Figures Released

There has been an alarming increase in the number of under 10s officially diagnosed with anorexia.

Researchers have discovered that more than two and a half times as many children of primary school age are suffering from the eating disorder than previously thought.

The findings are the result of the first study ever undertaken into eating disorders in British children.

The report from the UCL Institute of Child Health found that on average 1.5 in every 200,000 British children under 10 have anorexia.

This compares to a general practice registry study from the early 1990s which reported an estimate of 0.6 per 200,000 for anorexia diagnosis in youngsters up to nine.

The reports authors are said to be shocked by the revelations and have called for urgent action. Dr Dasha Nicholls, the study's lead researcher said: 'Recognition of eating disorders in children by GPs can be poor and, unfortunately, many eating disorder services are aimed specifically at adolescents.'

Are you shocked by these findings?

Do you worry about your children's eating habits? Do you worry that you might be a bad role model for your children?

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