Emotional Video Of Soldiers' Surprise Homecomings

Emotional Video Of Soldiers' Surprise Homecomings

It's always emotional when you return from a week-long business trip, hug your child and she tells you how much she missed you. But what if you're a soldier posted in a war zone, and you surprise your child with your homecoming after months away? Bring on the tears and joy.

This video does a beautiful job of mixing such surprises, and while every reunion is touching, we have a few favorites: We love the little girl on Santa's lap right about 1:30, who runs up and says "Daddy? Hi daddy. I miss you!" We smiled and felt tearful too at the child who forgot to let go of his basketball right about 4:31. And how about the look of pure joy on the boy's face at 6:07? Don't watch this without a box of tissues.
