8 Great Google Tricks and Timewasters

8 Great Google Tricks and Timewasters

Googleists recently enjoyed a jolly good timewaster in the form of "do a barrel roll", flipping their search results in an amusing tumble. Google's engineers have more than once joke up their sleeve, so there's plenty more Google treats where that came from.

Outside of Google searching your own home using streetview, sometimes with scary results, here are the nine most amsuing things you can do with Google right now:

Search "what's the loneliest number?"

Type 'askew" into Google search

Type "Google gravity" into search and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky"

Type in recursion. Know what that means? You're about to find out

Try to find Chuck Norris in search

Use search to find the calculation for once in a blue moon

Customise your language to pig latin, and googlay your earchsay

Do a barrel roll and watch your search results spin

Have you found more hidden google tricks?


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