WATCH: The TINIEST Puppy In The World Fits In A Coffee Cup!

WATCH: The TINIEST Puppy In The World Fits In A Coffee Cup!

When dachshund puppy Beyonce, born on 8 March to a rescue dog in San Bernadino, California, was first born she was so tiny that she could fit into a spoon, weighing it at one single ounce!

A couple of weeks later and she's graduated to a coffee cup:

Beth DeCaprio (Founder of Grace Foundation of North California which cares for abused and neglected animals) explains that the prognosis was initially bleak for baby Bey - the tiny pup required chest compressions and mouth to mouth before she started to breathe unaided: "I blew a couple of little breaths in her mouth and she started to breath on her own."

Photo: PA

Beyonce's siblings will be available for adoption after 3 May, but fans of Beyonce herself will need to hold on a while longer.

The Grace Foundation explains:

"Due to Beyonce's small size and her near death experience at birth, she will not be going out for adoption until she is a couple of months old, has been spayed, and we are sure that she is healthy and strong."

You can see more adorable pictures of her (alongside lots of household objects for comparison) over on the foundation's Facebook page.


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