OMG Mulberry's Wild Things Fashion Shoot Is Making Us Happy And Sad At The Same Time

OMG Mulberry's Wild Things Fashion Shoot Is Making Us Happy And Sad At The Same Time

Look look look!

Mulberry just released their Autumn Winter 2012 campaign shots starring Lindsey Wixson and the Where The Wild Things Are nod is causing a nostalgia wave so tall it should more accurately be referred to as tsunami.

We're feeling joyous because Where The Wild Things Are was and is such a wonderful book and Maurice Sendak a supremely talented man. It's a happy tinged with sadness though, because Sendak is no longer with us and it's a very long time since we were cuddled up in bed being read to :(

We should probably point out that in the accompanying press release there is no mention of the Wild Things explicitly:

'The campaign was inspired by Creative Director Emma Hill's visions of explorers, dark fairytales and fantasy travels, then brought to life under the direction of House and Holme. "The campaign is an interpretation of dreams and fears," explained the campaign's Art Director Ronnie Cooke Newhouse; "it's very Mulberry - always iconic, ironic and a little bit naughty."'

The only danger is that the art direction is so strong we spent a good few minutes forgetting there were clothes and bags to look at too! Oops, sorry Mulberry!

Photography: Tim Walker, Set Design: Andy Hillman, Stylist: Jane How


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