Christmas Presents For Children Aged 1-2

Christmas Presents For Children Aged 1-2

Looking for ideas for Christmas presents for toddlers aged between one and two years old? We've scoured the shops to bring you a great selection of toys to suit all budgets.

At this age children begin to realise that there's something special about this time of year. They may not yet fully understand why you're leaving a mince pie out for Father Christmas, but sparkling baubles, stacks of presents under the tree and bulging stockings are likely to be met with much more excitement this time around than they were the year before,

This new level of appreciation makes giving a toddler a gift even more rewarding - even if sometimes they are initially more enamored with the packaging!

Toddlers may not yet be able to write their own letter to Father Christmas, but their mums and dads are likely to have lists of toys they'd like - as well as toys they can't bear to see any more of - so it's well worth checking with them before heading to the shops.

Toys that involve balancing, such as ride-on scooters, rocking horses and bouncy blowups are sure to be a great hit, as are any that make a lot of noise - although these may have to be delivered along with an apology to mum and dad!

Avoid anything with small pieces as children this age are still prone to putting things in their mouths and small pieces can be choking hazards. It's important to always check age guidelines on packaging or with shop staff.

Click through the gallery below for fun gifts for toddlers aged one to two.

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