Chef Posts Brilliantly Honest Job Advert On Gumtree: 'The Money Is Sh*t'

Chef Posts Brilliantly Honest Job Advert On Gumtree

When most companies advertise for a new member of staff, they post an advert boasting a "competitive salary" and "outstanding benefits" in order to attract the very best employee.

But an American-themed diner in Scotland took a somewhat different approach to finding a new worker.

In what was possibly the most honest job advert ever written, a restaurateur known as Justin reportedly said he was looking for a "second in command to bang out a ton of semi-fancy food in a kitchen the size of a closet".

The advert was posted to Gumtree on Tuesday, but has since been removed.

“I'm calling it an 'American diner' because I'm American and it's a diner, but there's sumac, harissa, n'duja, compotes, mooli, shakshuka, mussels, haggis, Greek yogurt, Vietnamese coffee, hoisin, fish sauce, a dehydrator, labneh, kimchi, etc,"

Justin explained in the advert.

“You have no idea what I'm talking about? Then please, PLEASE, don't apply for this job. I have way too much shit to do in the next six weeks to be interviewing people I'm never going to hire.

"Seriously. Last time I was hiring for a place I got over 400 CVs. You know how long it takes to read 400 CVs? Too damned long. So don't waste anyone's time."

Justin went on to acknowledge that "the money is shit" at £7 per hour (including tips).

“Don't ask for more because I don't have it. You'll literally be making more than me because I am essentially working for free until the place is paid off," he added.

It might be a new restaurant, but Justin was clear his new employee wouldn't have much of an influence over the menu.

“I will listen to your ideas and try your weird suggestions, but if I don't love it we're not doing it and that's that," he said.

"If you think I sound like an obnoxious dickhead, congratulations. You are observant and will go far in life."

Justin ended the advert by reassuring applicants that working for him wouldn't be all bad (just mostly bad).

He said: "If you're awesome and you have actual cooking skills, you'll probably be my best friend and you'll work 55 hours a week and I'll let you put whatever horrible music you enjoy on the stereo and buy you beer."

A sincere apology:

Funny Love Notes
