Domino's Pizza Unveils Gadget That Orders You Takeaway At The Click Of A Button

Domino's Just Made Ordering Pizza Dangerously Simple

Domino's Pizza have come up with what might be one of the most dangerous gadgets in existence.

Hidden within a cutesy miniature pizza box is a single button which when pressed does something that'll make you happier than you knew possible (if you're hungover).

The Limited Edition Easy Order button might be a shameless piece of marketing but the truth is it actually works. Harnessing the power of the Internet of Things, it's a smart button that connected to your phone over Bluetooth, orders your favourite pizza from your nearest store and then has it delivered straight to your address.

Imagine reaching the end of the day, shattered, in need of sustenance and yet incapable of using the dexterity we were blessed with to actually open our smartphones and order through the app.

It's a tough situation to be in, and can be utterly mitigated through this glowing red button.

Domino's isn't the first company to experiment with smart buttons, Amazon Dash effectively turns your house into a giant supermarket.

Need some more toilet roll? Simply press the pre-assigned Dash button that you've stuck in the toilet and it'll automatically order you some more toilet roll.


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