Netflix New Additions: Norwegian Slow TV Is The Genre You Didn’t Know You Needed

Think 'Trainspotting: Live'... but about six hours longer.

Netflix have brought us many gems in recent months: ‘Stranger Things’ currently has the entire nation glued to their laptops, while the latest seasons of ‘Orange Is The New Black’ and ‘House Of Cards’ rightly brought the streaming service-turned-original series creators praise.

But do you ever get that feeling that the website is missing something? Well, don’t worry. They’ve worked out what it is.

How else are going to get views like this on a hangover?
How else are going to get views like this on a hangover?

Every month, Netflix add a number of new titles to their bulging online archive, and as of August, eight ‘Slow TV’ productions are calling the site home.

BBC Four have previously introduced UK viewers to the genre (of course it was them, which other channel would do it?), but Netflix are now attempting to take it to the binge-watching masses.

What is slow TV? Well, it’s exactly that. Imagine a seven-hour train journey from Bergen to Oslo, filmed with one camera. That is literally one of the shows.

In their native Norway, Slow TV shows were a shock hit when they began broadcasting in 2009, and other editions include ‘National Knitting Night’ and ‘National Firewood Evening’, which was watched live by over 20% of Norway’s population when it aired in 2013.

Think ‘Trainspotting: Live’, only six hours longer. Trust us, it’ll be good. *Logs onto Netflix immediately*

To see all of Netflix’s latest additions click here.

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