Hope Hicks, New White House Communications Director, Used To Be A Child Book Cover Model

Her path to the White House has been paved with paperbacks.

Hope Hicks, who was named President Donald Trump’s official White House communications director this week, has stayed out of the spotlight to date, for the most part.

But she sure knew how to get the attention of cameras in her younger years, when she was a child and teen model for book covers.

Hope Hicks, book cover star.
Hope Hicks, book cover star.

The 28-year-old, referred to in a July Politico article as a “Trump Whisperer” and considered to be one of his most loyal advisers, had a career in child and teen modeling once upon a time.

Hicks starred on the cover of Barbara Robertson’s Hourglass Adventures series, which debuted in 2001, as well as The It Girl, written by Gossip Girl author Cecily Von Ziegesar in 2005.

Now she's the White House's "It Girl."
Now she's the White House's "It Girl."

To be clear: yes, she did model but no, contrary to some people on the internet’s belief, she is not model Hillary Rhoda.

She did, however, appear in an episode of “Guiding Light” and star in a Ralph Lauren campaign with her sister, Mary Grace Hicks, according to a new profile about her in Town & Country. She also modeled Ivanka Trump’s brand during her time working there and as communications director for the Trump Organization.

Model behavior.
Bloomberg via Getty Images
Model behavior.

Not exactly a gig that would prepare you to hold a major White House position, but then, that sounds just about right for the current administration.

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