Important Week for Animal Welfare

For most of us this week is pretty normal. School holidays are coming to their natural autumnal end and everything's pretty routine with nothing particularly exciting going on. But for our beloved pets, unknown to them, it's potentially a time of great change and hopefully progress.

For most of us this week is pretty normal.

School holidays are coming to their natural autumnal end and everything's pretty routine with nothing particularly exciting going on. But for our beloved pets, unknown to them, it's potentially a time of great change and hopefully progress.

Tuesday saw a meeting in Parliament about irresponsible dog breeding and puppy farming, in particular its welfare implications imposed both on the thousands of poor breeding bitches imprisoned in horrific puppy farms, as well as the even greater number of their sick dying pups separated from distressed mothers way too early only then sold from websites, pet shops, garden centres, free newspaper ads, etc right across the UK.

Wednesday and it's back in Parliament again at a reception dedicated to online selling of pets, namely puppies and kittens, but also dogs that needed 'rescuing' or even pregnant bitches. For most of us online selling of pets is just plain wrong, as of course is puppy farming, yet they 'happily' exist, and if anything, are gaining in popularity in 21st Century Britain; a civilized country complete with a totally enforceable Animal Welfare Act designed to prevent suffering.

Sadly, as proven dramatically by the hugely controversial Badger Cull, it's now up to us, the general public, to care about animals, to join together in person or via social media, and raise awareness rather than wait for any new animal friendly laws by uncaring political parties in suits, content with glorifying ripping innocent wild animals to pieces in their downtime.

'People power' is now the way forward. Government e-petitions only make it to Parliament when 100,000 signatures are collected. I'm incredibly proud that my own anti puppy farming Government e-petition is over 64,000 and fifth most popular UK e-petition but it's still not enough to make it through those hallowed House of Commons doors.

Please sign and share the petition to stop puppy farming here.

I'm also incredibly proud to show this brand new viral video to you, again, designed to be shared far and wide on social media and help get signature numbers up. Massive thanks to one of my favourite comedy actors Mark Heap and the brilliant Sniffy's dog treats for helping to make this happen:

Finally this week ends with PupAid - one of the world's largest puppy farming awareness events taking place on Saturday - and well worth the short trip up to Primrose Hill, North London to join in the celeb judged dog show, boutique doggy shopping village and much, much, more see you there with your dogs folks!
