plastic pollution

Everyone understands that plastic is bad, but no one has realised that the same chemicals used in single-use plastics (like straws) are also used in receipts.
Emma Greenwood opened Andy Burnham's Green Summit in Manchester.
8.3 billion tonnes of plastic have been produced since the 1950s, with 8 million pieces making their way into our oceans each day. With plastic waste expected to double in the next decade, by 2050 it’s thought that ocean plastic will outnumber fish.
Sydney resident Harriet Spark knew something had to be done when she came a cross an octopus clutching plastic straws in her local bay of Manly Cove. She started Operation Straw, which brings together regular beachgoers, or in this case "strawklers", who scour the seabed looking for discarded straws, bag and finishing lines.
"Even a single piece of plastic can be fatal."
There is no excuse for this excessive use of plastic when there are environmentally-friendly alternatives