
Michael Brown 204

Mental health co-ordinator, College of Policing

Inspector Michael Brown has been a serving police officer for over seventeen years and has an enduring interest in mental health issues. He is an avid tweeter @mentalhealthcop and an award-winning blogger.

His blog has won the Digital Media Award from the UK's leading mental health charity, Mind and the ConnectedCOPS ‘Top Cop’ Award for leveraging social media in policing. Later in 2015 he will be awarded a President's Medal by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Michael is currently the national mental health co-ordinator at the College of Policing, the professional body for policing, and is revising national police standards and training on mental health. His work has been highlighted by the Independent Commission on Policing & Mental Health; referenced in the UK Parliamentary debate on Policing & Mental Health and commended by the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee.

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