Top 10: Ways To Exercise With Your Kids Around

Top 10: Ways To Exercise With Your Kids Around

The hard truth is that if you want to exercise regularly, you probably will have to find someone to look after your children whilst you do it. But if you're still rolling out the excuse that "I can't exercise 'cos I have no one to look after the kids", your number's up daddio.

Here we investigate the ways you can exercise and involve your children in the process. The great thing about doing it this way is that you can be a terrific role model for taking care of yourself. And sweating. Lots of sweating.

  1. Get a trampoline

    According to Stuart Jeffries at The Guardian, trampolines are making a big comeback this year. You can even get trampolines that are designed to look nice in the garden, like this on the right from Berg

    . Though ladies, you may wish to address pelvic floor issues before you attempt a back flip. Tighten and squeeze, girls.

  2. Go rollerskating

    Inline skates are the sort of things that people buy and use twice. The upshot of this is that you can pick them up mega cheap at car boot sales. And at least if you only use yours twice you'll know how to get rid of them.

  3. Get an allotment

    Ride up there on your bike, do some digging, then have a game of football when you've finished. Think of it like an outdoor circuits class. There's more on how to get started on a family allotment here.
  4. Go on a charity fun run together

    The Run for the Children series of 3k races are designed for parents and children to do together. I did this last year with my daughter, and though it ended up being a walk rather than a run, we had great fun.

  5. Use the internet to exercise

    Fitness TV is a great looking new online TV channel which enables you to do a workout without leaving your own home. Perfect for busy parents if you can't get out to exercise.
  6. Get some outdoor games

    John Lewis have some nice outdoor toys including sets for baseball, rugby, racket sports and cricket.
  7. Go swimming

    No need to worry about how you look as there are all shapes and sizes in your local pool.
  8. Get climbing

    Your local park or sports centre may have specially designed climbing walls or boulders for all ages.
  9. Go for a Wii

    The Wii Fit is marketed as a way for families to exercise together. As a regular gym goer, I find that it's a very gentle workout. So if you're totally new to exercise, it's a good way to start, but if you already exercise then you may find it a bit lame. Though you will still love it.

  10. Go for a walk

    Radical! I know! But you can't beat a good old fashioned walk. Start by walking to school or nursery and build it up from there. And if you've got a little pirate in your family, combine your walk with a treasure hunt and go geocaching.

So with all these suggestions, you've got no excuse not to get moving -- which are you going to try?
