Eleven-Year-Old Girl Starves Herself After NHS 'Fat' Letter

Eleven-Year-Old Girl Starves Herself After NHS 'Fat' Letter

A girl of eleven stopped eating after her mother received a letter from the controversial National Child Measurement Scheme labelling her 'overweight' - despite her BMI being in the healthy range of 21.5.

Katie Owen, 11, sobbed hysterically and branded herself 'fat' when her mother told her the results of the height, weight and BMI checks, despite being a 'borderline' case.

Katie is 5 foot tall and weighs 110 pounds or 7st 10lbs.

She was so traumatised that she refused to eat.

Her outraged mum Joanne said her daughter, who has an existing medical problem, ate healthily and enjoyed sports: ''She is absolutely not fat - she is tall for her age, a good few inches taller than most of her friends, and she suffers from problems with her joints - she has been under the care of Great Ormond Street Hospital for years.'

A spokesperson for Barking & Dagenham NHS said that they could not comment on individual cases regarding the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) due to confidentiality.

Last month we covered another case of children being branded fat.

What do you think?

Is the National Child Measurement Programme putting youngsters at risk of eating disorders?
