Nike's 'Gold Digging' T-Shirt Causes Outrage On Twitter (PICTURES, POLL)

Are These 'Gold-Digging' T-Shirts Offensive?

Nike's tribute to Olympic gold medallists has really polarised opinion.

The T-shirts - available only for women - feature the words "gold digging" across the front, emblazoned in gold lettering.

Nike's t-shirt

While Nike market the product as "a bold design that's a treat on the eyes", some Twitter users have been outraged, while others find them "funny" or even "cute".

"Whoever thought a Nike t'shirt emblazoned with 'GOLD DIGGING' was a fitting tribute to female Olympians should (sic) be fired," wrote one user.

Another wrote: "Mass producing a fitness shirt, only for women, that says "Gold Digging" is not only offensive but lacking imagination"

One pro t-shirt user Tweeted: "Personally, I think its cute."

So, is it a harmless joke or a sexist dig at female athletes who have worked extremely hard to compete in the Olympic Games - and then go on to win gold? Let us know in the poll below.

HuffPost Lifestyle have contacted Nike for their comments and are waiting patiently for their response.

Beneath the product the company claim to produce "style that starts a conversation", well these T-shirts have certainly done that. *slow claps*

Add to cart? Think we'll pass, thanks. Of course if you want one, be our guest.

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