The White House Is Using Bears To Make Male Students Care About Rape

The White House Is Using Angry Bears To Make Young Men Care About Rape

In an attempt to encourage male college students to stop dismissing sexual violence on university campuses, the White House has launched a campaign using bear attacks as metaphors for assault.

Yes, really.

In a video made by College Humor, which is titled 'What if bears killed one in five people?', a group of male friends discuss what to do when they realise an angry bear is lurking behind their door.

One of the men tries to dismiss his friends' concerns about the bear, by shouting lines similar to what some might say to dismiss the issue of sexual violence.

"But you know, it's not going to eat all of us, it's only going to eat like one in five," he says.

"You guys know the old saying, bears will be bears!"

The Public Service Announcement (PSA) as launched on Thursday ahead of the White House's "It's On Us" campaign. Vice President Joe Biden will travel to various institutions next week to speak about campus sexual assault, as more than 90 universities host "It's On Us" events.


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