White House

OOPS! The former president botched a key phrase as he tried to attack his rival.
The actor told Jimmy Kimmel of the clever strategy he used to indulge his habit at a recent state dinner with Joe Biden.
The response comes after the former president likened the Biden administration to the secret police force of Nazi Germany.
An attack on Rafah, the last refuge in Gaza, appears imminent — and ongoing Israel-Iran tensions are complicating hopes President Joe Biden will stop it.
The son of the former president gets a blunt reminder of what he said on the day of the Capitol attack.
Ty Cobb also predicted that the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals would rule against Trump "fast and forcefully."
"Instead of doing anything to help make Americans’ lives better," the president said, "they are focused on attacking me with lies.”
Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin shares a shocking anecdote about the former president.
One critic called Lucas Tomlinson's reporting on the US president "the epitome of astroturfing a political attack."
The former president got a blunt reminder when he was on the witness stand.