Woman Shares Heartbreaking Snapchats Of Dog's Last Day Before Being Put Down

'I finally decided that keeping her on the meds was selfish.'

A dog owner who made the difficult decision to have her “best friend” put down shared photos of their last day together on Snapchat.

Kyle Amick’s 11-year-old pup, Hannah, had been having seizures for the last couple of months and was experiencing debilitating side-effects to medication meant to help.

“I finally decided that keeping her on the meds was selfish, but keeping her off of them was just as cruel,” Amick said on Facebook.

“So I decided to give her one last hoorah day of pampering, like the queen she’s always been, and let her go. Where there would be no pain, no seizures, no whimpering in the night. Just peace and hopefully love.”

Amick shared the pair’s entire day on Snapchat before posting the images on Facebook.

It started with a sombre ride in the car, where Amick said she wasn’t sure if Hannah knew it was her final day.

But the pair then set about having fun. Amick gave Hannah an aromatherapy bath to help her relax before taking her for their final meal together.

She also took Hannah for a final play in the park with one of her friends, before painting her nails while she relaxed in the cool breeze.

As the day came to an end, it was time for Amick and her children to say their goodbyes to Hannah.

Finally, Hannah sat on Amick’s lap as they travelled to the vets.

Amick’s mum took one final heartbreaking image of her daughter hugging the pooch, before she was taken to be put down.

The next day, the bereaved owner shared more images from Hannah’s burial.

Amick’s original post has been shared more 170,000 times, with dozens of people sending the family messages of support.

In a later post, Amick thanked everyone for their kind words, adding: “I pray that if at all possible, every dog has a last day like Hannah.”

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