
Jacky Donovan


I spent two thirds of my life conforming as a conscientious student, a successful career woman and as a loyal and devoted Stepford-like girlfriend and wife. Then an alternative career came calling - a highly successful career as one of London’s most sought-after Dominatrices with an extensive client list ranging from 18 to 83 years old and including many high profile businessmen and MPs, well-known TV personalities and even a pregnant woman.
Over recent years I have: trekked to see Mount Everest; tandem jumped from a tiny plane; been on Canarian TV due to my crazy long fingernails; run a lesbian dining club; had a cream cake throwing session with a famous MP; put a Smarties tube where it really wasn’t meant to go; escaped from a yoga holiday in a dinghy; organised Gay Pride Gran Canaria; run swingers cruises; performed an entertainment act with a bullwhip in a lesbian club and put on and lost a combined 45 stones throughout.