
Samuel Walker

Politics undergraduate at the University of Warwick

Samuel Walker: I am an undergraduate at the the University of Warwick where I study politics and political philosophy.

I also write blogs - mostly for the sheer joy of writing blogs, but I am happy to let others read them too. In ‘real life’ politics I am somewhere on the left (the exact position depends on the day of the week/time elapsed since my last meal/today’s headlines). Online, however, I write from every conceivable point of view - as well as some really rather inconceivable ones. Therefore, while my blogs may well be brilliant, controversial, witty and sometimes even modest, they will not be representative of my own views. They may cause debate, which would be good, they may bring forwards the revolution and final utopia, which would be better, but they should not cause anger, vitriol and general online unpleasantness.

My disclaimer now having been declaimed, it only remains to respectfully ask that you enjoy my blogs, don’t sue me and, if possible, do give me a job!