Easy Ways To Eat Healthily For Busy Pregnant Mums

Easy Ways To Eat Healthily For Busy Pregnant Mums

The email from TheNewIceAge.com came through just as I'd guiltily scoffed a Mars bar in three minutes flat. "Would you like some tips on how to eat healthily during pregnancy?" it said. "Erm, do you have me under surveillance?" I almost replied. Something was telling me that it might be an idea to take them up on the offer, and that thing looked like a bin too full with choccie bar wrappers.

I know that a healthy diet is vital during pregnancy, but my challenge is that I'm massively busy, too busy to plan my meals properly. I'd love to be one of those women who "Snacks on fruit and nuts" (come on, does anybody really do that?) and has a fridge stocked up with fresh organic produce that combines perfectly into instant evening meals. I'm not though, I need help to eat more healthily, and I need it to be quick and easy.So, TheNewIceAge.com has sent these tips, from their nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston. Understandably, there's a bias towards frozen food tips here, along with fresh food tips, but that's fine by me. My other half is planning to spend the last month of my pregnancy making and freezing enough curries to feed us for the following six months.

Yvonne's Top Tips - Easy ways to eat better during pregnancy

  • Nutrition is key during this exciting time. Frozen foods are a convenient way to meet your nutritional needs during pregnancy as frozen can be just as nutritious – sometimes even more so – than 'fresh' produce. Buying frozen means you don't have to go to the supermarket every other day. Stock up your freezer with lean meats, fish, fruit and vegetables, this way you'll always have something healthy at hand and products that won't go off!
  • Eat little and often. This can help balance blood sugar levels, which in turn can help reduce cravings, nausea, fatigue, headaches and dizziness.
  • Always eat breakfast. Even if you don't feel hungry or are experiencing morning sickness, it is important to eat something every morning. You can get a light and quick breakfast by blending yoghurt, frozen berries and a tablespoon of ground linseeds together.
  • Pregnancy heightens the sense of smell; so if the vegetables you once wouldn't think twice about eating suddenly do not seem appealing, try puréeing frozen vegetables and mix them in with foods you enjoy.
  • Include plenty of foods rich in iron in your diet to help prevent anaemia, a common condition among pregnant women. Iron can be found in green leafy vegetables, red meats, nuts and seeds. Combine this with vitamin C rich foods as this enhances iron absorption by up to twice as much.
  • Remember your H20. Keep a bottle of water with you and sip throughout the day. Aim for around one and a half litres per day.
  • If it is sunny treat yourself to some frozen yogurt to help you keep cool. Try adding some frozen berries for a quick way to add to your five-a-day.
  • Bring a handful of carrots to work in a plastic bag and enjoy with a snack pot of houmous for a healthy afternoon snack.