Have you ever felt that you could do a better job of selling your house than an estate agent? Well you can cut out the middleman by logging on to Tepilo and really taking the reins on your real estate.
The brainchild of Sarah Beeny, Tepilo is an alternative way to buy or sell your home online without fees. It simplifies and explains the whole process which is often seen as something far more complicated than it really is.
Tepilo is packed with advice on buying and selling, including a constantly updated library of hints and tips, as well as the opportunity to ask Ms Beeny questions herself!
The site, helps you present your home in a glossy magazine format, and gives you the opportunity to describe your home how you want to, allowing you to focus on the key unique selling points of your home.
Tepilo gives you everything you need to get through the whole process, and could save you lots of money at the same time.
Best of all, it's completely free to use with no charges for uploading your property or commission on the sale.
So if you'd like to take control, Tepilo will help you to dispel the myth that selling your home is a minefield.