For many mums and dads-to-be, the excitement of the 20 week scan is a huge milestone as you can choose to find out if you're expecting a boy or a girl.
But a new ruling could stop this in its tracks, with a draft resolution from a Council of Europe Committee suggesting doctors should not reveal the sex of unborn babies, in a bid to stop gender selective abortions.
While gender selective abortions are more common in former Soviet states, the recommendation covers all 47 member states, which means NHS doctors and nurses in the UK could be stopped from telling parents-to-be if they are expecting a girl or boy.
The council suggesting the ban cannot impose it, but it is deemed incredibly influential with policy-making.
At the moment it is common for expectant parents to find out the sex of their baby at the 20 week scan, but it is possible as early as 12 weeks, which is known as the nub theory.
Finding out the sex is not available at all NHS hospitals. Some trusts already don't offer it due to concerns around sex selection or because of the added cost it can add to a scan.
Did you find out the sex at 12 or 20 weeks?
Would you have been upset if you were denied the chance to find out?