The World's Oldest Dog, Pusuke, Dies In Japan At The Age Of 26 (Pictures)

The World's Oldest Dog, Pusuke, Dies In Japan At The Age Of 26 (Pictures)

Living to the grand ol' age of 26 years old, Pusuke has, as they say, had a very good innings.

Working out at a whopping 125 years old in dog years, the much-loved fluffy tan Shiba mix passed away peacefully on Monday after falling ill and refusing to eat his food.

His owner, Yumiko Shinohara, told her local paper Shimotsuke Shimbun: "I'm so sad... I would like to tell him that I appreciate he lived a long healthy life."

Recognised for just one year as the owner of the prestigious oldest living dog title, the Guinness World Record will now pass onto a new (old) dog, with the seemingly-unbeatable record of oldest dog ever still in the paws of an Australian cattle dog called Bluey who died in 1939.

Bluey's age? 29 years, 6 months and 12 days. Close, Pusuke, but no cigar.

Earlier this year, back in April, the world's oldest man also died. His name was Walter Breuning, and he lived 114 years old - meaning that Pusuke kind-of-sorta beat him. In a way. A way that in no way counts, that is.


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