Luxury label Louis Vuitton is suing Warner Bros over a scene from The Hangover 2 which allegedly features a fake designer bag.
Despite Zack Galifianakis's character's assertion, "Careful - that's a Louis Vuitton," Louis Vuitton claims that the bag is infact the work of Diophy - a Chinese American company which the brand is currently suing for trademark infringement.
According to the lawsuit, "Warner Bros is explicitly misleading the public about the source of the Diophy Bag." It then goes on to state that Louis Vuitton contacted Warner Bros to alert them of the issues but that the movie company went ahead with the DVD release without modifying the offending scene.
The designer label is seeking to prevent distribution of copies of the movie which contain the scene as well as "treble damages, punitive damages, costs and attorneys' fees."
This is the latest in a series of legal issues which have dogged the film including a tattooist suing over intellectual property violation, a plagiarism suit (later dismissed) from screenwriter Michael Alan Rubin and a stuntman's claim that one of the movie's stunts had caused him brain trauma.