Now I know Katie Price has developed something of a thick skin over the years but even she must have been feeling ever so slightly chilly in the outfit she chose to wear for a night on the razzle dazzle last night.

Yet again, Katie braved minus figure temperatures in a mini skirt, sleeveless t-shirt and heels for a night out at London's Funky Buddha club.
But in typical Pricey errrm, fashion, she added her own twist to her outfit by sporting a pair of bizarre leather leg warmers. Well, at least she had warm shins. Very important that.

KP hit the town following her appearance on current affairs show Newsnight where took part in a debate about breast implants.
Talking to host Jeremy Paxman, she said: "At the end of the day having implants, it's foreign and anything foreign, your body can naturally reject it, so people do have problems with it. I would say I'm happy with them – I should be now, I've had enough of them.

"When I first had my implants I always knew I wanted them bigger so it took me three sizes to get to the size I wanted. If they'd done the size I wanted at the beginning I would have been happy."
When asked why she had made her boobs smaller, she said: "Because I'd had three kids and even if you've got natural boobs they drop."
She also called for a minimum age limit for boob jobs.
"If I had my way I think there should be an age limit," she said. "I had my first boob job when I was 18 and realistically I think that's too young. I think 21."