BBC Breakfast presenter Susanna Reid says she is resigned to being scrutinised for her choice of outfits.
The TV host, who has raised eyebrows for occasionally "showing too much leg or cleavage", said the focus on women in TV was a "fact of life".
Reid, 41, who will be the main female anchor when Breakfast moves north, told the Radio Times: "People seem to be shocked that women have breasts. There'll be complaints about the fact that there is literally a shadow showing."
The presenter, who has inspired a large male online fanbase, said she was resigned to the scrutiny, telling the magazine: "People are always going to talk about what women wear on TV. It's a fact of life."
The mother of three boys insisted she looked far from glamorous when outside the TV studio, saying: "The rest of the time it's jeans and scruffy T-shirts. I don't dress up and I don't wear make-up. When I collect the kids from school on Friday afternoon, people think a different woman has come to pick up the kids. They simply do not recognise me."
The presenter, who began her newsreading career when she was called in for emergency cover with just five minutes to prepare, said she was used to setting her alarm at 3.30am.
Reid will be commuting to and from London when the show moves north, and said of the early starts: "It doesn't feel that much of a wrench because I started this job after I'd had my first baby. So it felt perfectly natural to be getting out of bed at all times of night. This is just another breastfeed."
In 2010 the newsreader was criticised by some viewers who accused her of showing a little too much cleavage during an interview with Hollywood star Hugh Grant.
"After breastfeeding three children I'm amazed that people think I still have a cleavage worth complaining about," she said at the time.