Students To Protest At Hidden Costs Of Education

Students To Protest At Hidden Costs Of Education


Tens of thousands of students plan to stage a national walkout this week to express their opposition to the Government's plans for higher education.

Students supporting the National Union of Students (NUS) Come Clean campaign are expected to abandon lectures at campuses across the UK on Wednesday to demonstrate what universities would look like if the cost of higher education escalates.

The walkout is part of a week of action intended to show that high tuition fees, hidden course costs and a lack of bursaries are leaving our teenagers priced out of education.

NUS president Liam Burns told the Press Association: "The Government tripled tuition fees without legislation around it being discussed. The White Paper came out with probably far more damaging reforms than first represented and now the Government has said it's not going to put the Higher Education (HE) Bill forward. That's not good enough."

Liam Burns said the students' campaign and walkout will send a message to Government to say "you can run and hide all you like in bringing the legislation forward" but that the student union would make sure there was a public debate on the issues.

He said: "We want MPs, the Government and vice-chancellors to come clean on what's going on in the HE sector," adding "There's been lots of interest, tens of thousands will be taking part."

The walkout will see students demonstrating, signing petitions and taking other action to highlight their campaign.

What do you think? Are students being priced out of a university education?

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