Happy Mother's Day: An 'Awkward Family Photos' Special (PICTURES)

PICS: Happy Awkward Mother's Day!

In celebration of Mother's Day, we here at Huffington Post UK Comedy have done what comes naturally: compiled a silly gallery of awkward mother photographs.

Yes, prepare to cringe/laugh/thank your lucky stars that you didn't grow up in one of these families, courtesy of our lovely friends over at Awkward Family Photos.

From being forced to wear matching outfits to being forced to perm your hair, we're sure there's something laughable relatable in here for everyone. And don't forget to choose your favourites using the star system on the right.

Meanwhile, to all you mums out there: Happy Mother's Day! Make sure you put your feet up, take it easy... and don't ever force your children to dress up in cow costumes.

(All images: Awkward Family Photos)


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