Spotify List: Music To Watch 1980s' Films By... Say Anything, Footloose, Breakfast Club Et Al (LISTEN)

Music To Watch 80s Films By... What's Your Favourite?

Fancy a wander down memory lane? Here are some tunes to help you on your way...

Music has been an integral part of film-making since the piano was wheeled into the cinema to help Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin come to life for the audience. But for me, the time that stood out for songs in soundtracks was the decade that saw John Cusack hold a ghetto blaster above his head to prove his love, Judd Nelson clamber over the desks on a Saturday morning to show he was a true rebel, and Kevin Bacon go swinging around the rafters and on the backs of tractors because, as he told a suspicious John Lithgow, "the Lord says there's a time to dance".

What's your favourite? Listen, and let us know...

So here, for your delectation, is my contribution to, or from, Spotify, depending on how you look at it. No doubt there'll be some that leave you cold, but here's hoping there's a personal fave in there somewhere... for me, you can't do much better than Some Kind of Wonderful, and Furniture singing Brilliant Mind, while Mary Stuart Masterson advises dimwit pretty boy Eric Stolz how to court her love rival Leah Thompson, all the while silently hoping...

And here's a little bit of something for starters...


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