Umbilical cords, positive pregnancy tests and dirty nappies (!) have topped a list of the odd things new parents keep when they have a baby.
According to the poll of 500 mums by, baby booties and mittens are the items most new mums keep after the early months, closely followed by, prepare yourselves...umbilical cord cuttings and nail clippings.
Bizarrely, stained bibs and dirty nappies also made the cut (albeit at the bottom of the list!).
Some more traditional keepsakes thankfully made the list too, including baby's first birthday candle, teddy bears and those cherished maternity clothes.
The survey also asked the mums for their reasoning, which threw up some fantastic, if not a little bonkers, answers. One mum who admitted to saving her daughter's smelly nappy, said:
"My daughter was born nine weeks prematurely and spent the first weeks of her life in an incubator. She was fed on a drip during those worrying early days so when she was eventually able to suckle and fill her own nappy it was such a significant event for us that we decided to keep the used nappy forever.
"We wrapped it in a nappy sack and it's been well sprayed with air freshener and put in a box. I realise many people might think it is a bizarre thing to keep but changing that first dirty nappy was such an emotional experience for us.
"It was the moment we knew our daughter was truly well, that everything was working as it should."
The most popular baby keepsakes from British mums are:
Boots and mittens: 56 per cent
Umbilical cord and clip: 32 per cent
Teeth: 28 per cent
Pregnancy test: 19 per cent
Dummies: 18 per cent
1st birthday candle: 16 per cent
Teddy bear: 12 per cent
Maternity clothes worn during labour: 11 per cent
Lock of hair: 11 per cent
Bowls and spoons:10 per cent
Stained bibs: 9 per cent
Slice of christening cake: 3 per cent
Nail clippings: 1 per cent
First dirty nappy: <1 per cent
So, 'fess up, what's the weirdest thing you kept after having a baby?