French Duo TSF Crew's Optical Illusion Street Art Murals (PICTURES)

GALLERY: Awesome 3D Street Art Hits France

Street art duo TSF Crew have spent the past 20 years perfecting their anamorphosis murals around derelict and run down industrial areas in France.

Earlier this year, the produced an eye-catching new work called The Tree Two in which they painted an optical illusion of a severed tree collapsed into a building, and produced this awesome video:

Now, fresh on the back of their second major exhibition at La Friche, Paris, ‘Milouz and Papy’ are finally making the transition from underground provocateurs to celebrated modern French artists, having already exhibited widely around Europe.

As is often the case, their underground popularity is gradually translating into mainstream, commercial appeal, and the partners have already had their work solicited by brands like Nintendo and Porsche.

“Working on anamorphosis murals was a logical conclusion of the large murals we were already producing,” Milouz explained to HuffPost UK.

“By ‘opening the wall’ behind our paintings, we invite viewers to enter our world using techniques of perspective and trompe l'oeil [French for ‘trick of the eye’].

Amazingly, after 20 years, they say they still find working together inspirational.

“The ideas for our murals are born from the crazy stories we enjoying talking about together all day long,” says Milous, who began his career as an artist drawing and sketching.

“Reactions to our work range from incomprehension, to amazement, to disbelief, with people arguing that it is a photo editing.

"But they never leave anybody feeling indifferent.”

TSF Crew will be generating plenty more stunned reactions as they embark on a full summer of festivals and exhibitions in France and abroad, which you can learn more about on their website.

Check out TSF Crew's amazing work to date:


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