Pregnancy Week By Week: Week 34

Pregnancy Week By Week: Week 34


Welcome to week 34

Splashing out on new maternity gear might seem a waste of money as the countdown is now on to your due date. But if you do fancy a change or something more comfier then treat yourself this week. Look for items that you can wear beyond the pregnancy – scarves and cardigans will have life beyond the bump. Accessories can razzle up even the dullest of outfits. Don't forget you probably won't regain your pre-pregnancy size for at least the first few months after the birth so your maternity gear will see you through this stage.

Inside story

Your baby this week weighs around 2.3kg (around 5lb). The crown-to-rump measurement is about 32cm (almost 13in) – although it's important to bear in mind that all these weights and measurements are estimates, and that your baby could be substantially heavier or lighter, longer or shorter than this. It's hard to gauge what your baby's birth weight will be, even with the help of ultrasound, as there's no way of knowing with any accuracy how much of your own weight is made up of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

On the outside

The top of your uterus is now sitting around 14cm from your belly button and a long-distant 34cm (more than 13.5in) from your pubic bone. You're probably checking off the days until you reach week 36 when the head is most likely to engage: keep your fingers crossed as it could happen any time from now. The pay-off, though, will be a heavy feeling in your pelvis and a waddling, wide-legged gait. John Wayne, eat your heart out!

Things to think about

Start focusing on your birth plan. If you are thinking of using a TENS machine especially in early labour while you are home, it is a good idea to hire one now. Ask your midwife or GP about the best places to hire one.

Try to keep busy to distract yourself from your discomforts and any anxieties you may have about the birth. Make time to rest: sleeping is another way of escaping negative thoughts. If you find it hard to fit in proper rest, try to catnap whenever you can: set your mobile phone alarm for 15 or 20 minutes during your journey into work if you can, or during your lunch break. Short naps like these are known in industry as 'power naps' and are actually encouraged in some cultures as they are thought to recharge the batteries, making the workforce more productive.

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