Do Look Down: Sachigusa Yasuda's 'Aerial' Photographs

Do Look Down!

As our friends on HuffPost US pointed out while covering these vertigo-inducing photographs, the internet can't get enough of these sorts of 360-degree panoramic shots.

But Tokyo-born Sachigusa Yasuda has gone to greater lengths than most to make the technique her own, fitting up to 300 shots taken from the tops of skyscrapers together to create her Aerial series.

The result is an abstract view from the sort of vantage point we'd normally associate with superheroes.

Is this what Batman sees after a late night on the tequila, we wonder?

Actually for us, Yasuda's shots capture something of an eternal truth about living in big cities.

The steel of the buildings rise up menacingly, overwhelmingly, while at the same time there is loneliness in the perspective.

Is it just us, or can city life feel this way sometimes? An assault on the senses, a place so busy it makes you feel alone?

Let us know your reaction to this stunning work below.

Images courtesy of the artist and Base Gallery.


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