Carol Vorderman Gets In The Mood For The Queen's Jubilee In Patriotic Platforms

Who's Rocking A Patriotic Platform?

Excitement for this weekend's Jubliee celebrations (and an extra two days off work) has been mounting here of HuffPost Celeb towers. We've got a bit of bunting round the desks, and we're even sipping from our (not tacky at all) Queen Elizabeth mug.

But we are dead jealous of Carol Vorderman's efforts for the Royal knees-up.

Carol was rocking a patriotic platform heel and a Union Jack t-shirt as she left the ITV studios earlier today.

The Loose Woman channelled her inner Ginger Spice, changing into this ensemble after she finished recording the lunchtime chat show.

We wonder if HRH will be wearing something similar over the weekend?



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