Cheryl Cole In Unflattering Piccie Shocker!

Not Your Best Look, Cheryl

Women of Britain, rejoice. The day has finally come: Cheryl Cole has taken a bad photo.


Let's take a moment to sit and stare. And bask.

Feels good, right?

Ok, ok... so she doesn't exactly look like a blind cobbler's thumb - that hair's definitely still worth it - but I still reckon she'd do pretty well in this year's gurning championships.

Cheryl pulled the only ugly-ish face in her repertoire of facial expressions as she arrived at Radio 1 yesterday. I'm guessing spinach might have featured somewhere in her lunch.

Luckily she managed to re-arrange her face and was back to her usual resplendent self as she tottered into the building. Phew.

Speaking of food, Chezza's waded into the whole pasty tax thingy that everyone (well, Greggs customers) have been banging on about lately.

La Chez reckons that if they'd taxed the fat-filled pastries when she was a nipper - she'd have gone hungry.

"It was tasty and it was what we could afford."

Hmmm, bet it's been a while since a pasty has touched those lips though, eh Cheryl?


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