Tonight's TV Pick: True Love, The Secret History Of Our Streets (PICTURES)

TV PICK: More True, Love, Secret History Of Our Streets

True Love - BBC1, 11.15pm

After last night's lady love, tonight's True Love final episodes (double-bill) kick back into more conventional territory - the classic bored wife syndrome, with Jane Horrocks' sad, straightforward Sandra being cruelly taken for granted by husband David (whom we know took his attentions elsewhere previously). But that's all about to change, with the arrival of exotic stranger Ishmael, and suddenly it's David eating alone in the kitchen. Finally, David Morrissey searches for love on the net, with surprisingly glamorous results.

The Secret History of Our Streets - BBC2, 9pm

Last week this riveting series showed the history of Camberwell Grove in London and how the area has come full-circle, back to a place where families live in the large Georgian houses.

This week, the social history of the Caledonian Road in Islington is explored. The road, which for a mile-and-a-half provides a major route heading north from King's Cross, has never quite made the most of its prime location with poverty, slaughterhouses and prostitution all contributing to its negative reputation in the past, not to mention the fact its proximity to Pentonville prison.

However, the working-class residents have held their community together - and here they talk about the changes they have seen.

PHOTOS: True Love in photos...


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