Kitten Vs. Doberman - The Internet Wins (VIDEO)

WATCH: Tiny Kitten Takes On Massive Doberman

The screengrab for this YouTube video makes it look like it's pretty grisly, but it really isn't. Scout's honour. In fact, it's really rather adorable.

It's just that the YouTuber who uploaded the clip - that's CamelAndFriends, who we've previously seen with her bouncing, Tigger-like lambs - has picked a picture that makes it look rather... bloodthirsty.

And considering the title is 'Tiny Kitten Takes On Big Doberman', it's hard not to think the worst. But trust us, as experts in the world of unlikely animal friendships, they get along just fine.

Well, unless Sugar the Doberman nicks Pancake the kitten's milk - in which case, things can get a bit hairy for Mr. Doberman...


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