Sneaky Secret Agent Dog Infiltrates Kitchen Food Cupboard (VIDEO)

WATCH: Sneaky Secret Agent Dog Infiltrates Kitchen Cupboards

James Bond, Ethan Hunt, Jason Bourne... take note of this sneaky dog here - you could learn a thing or two.

Sure, on one occasion he appears to get startled and yes, he's not using the most orthodox spying techniques known to man (or dog, for that matter), but the fact remains: that's one damn clever mutt.

More than anything, it looks like this particular pooch has been playing too many Tomb Raider / Uncharted games, pulling out steps from nowhere and trotting up them like that's what they were designed for in the first place. Then again, maybe we're only seeing that because we're weird.

Anyway, check him out above, and when you're done with that, take a look at these other animals behaving like humans, starting with - you guessed it - the one and only Keyboard Cat. Enjoy!


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