Does blind photography sound like a contradiction in terms?
Photographer Gina Badenoch is determined to challenge the public's spatial and social perceptions when it comes to art and photography.
Through her work Ms Badenoch is changing perceptions and breaking down the psychological barriers that prevent blind and visually impaired people from achieving full integration into Mexican society.
Her Sensory Pop Up Studio runs from 17 - 19 August at London's Rich Mix as a part of the London Mexfest, which celebrates Mexican culture.
Far from being a worthy novelty act, the work presented by visually impaired and blind photographers presented here is hauntingly beautiful, made al the more poignant by its backstory. The exhibition also offers its audiences a sensory experience that integrates visually impaired and young people from marginalised groups into communal environments change public perceptions towards disability.
Opening times: Saturday 18 August and Sunday 19 August (midday – 6pm)
See some of the beautiful images created with Ms Badenoch's help below