Illustrator David Shrigley Opens New Psychiatry-Based Show

How Are You Feeling? David Shrigley's Weirdest Show Yet

David Shrigley fans, listen up. The affable illustrator is taking a whole load of new and recently-created art to Manchester for his new show, How Are You Feeling?.

And, even better, we've got a sneak preview of some of the work on show.

Shrigley's new show promises more of his own brand of macabre yet endearing scribbles, which dive even further into the realms of the absurd than usual. Inspired by the worlds of self-help and psychological diagnosis, Shrigley offers the audience a form of warped art-therapy to cope with their surroundings.

Shrigley meets psychology meets art...

How Are You Feeling? is a show with a strong participatory element, with viewers encouraged to join in whether by chilling out on the 3D beds in the gallery, or making life drawings from a Shrigley sculpture.

HOW ARE YOU FEELING?, Manchester Cornerhouse, 6 October 2012 – 6 January 2013, the accompanying book HOW ARE YOU FEELING? is published by Canongate, and available now.


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