Make a film and change the world - it's the dream of many a documentary-maker.
Well, there's a bunch of people who've done just that, and now they're being included in the shortlist for the PUMA Creative Impact Award, which aims to promote films that have made the most... guess what... impact on the world around them.
The five final films were judged by a jury in September that included: Hollywood actors and activists, Danny Glover and Djimon Hounsou, 'Monsoon Wedding' director Mira Nair, writer and campaigner Jemima Khan and Executive Director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo.
HuffPost UK is proud to be the editorial partner of the BRITDOC Foundation and PUMA for this year's Award, and each week will be featuring each of the five shortlisted films. We start with 'Gasland' below...
Juror Danny Glover says: "As an artist who has been involved in storytelling my entire adult life, I can think of few things more important than the journey from apathy to empathy."
The five nominated films are: 'Gasland', 'Armadillo', 'Budrus', 'Weapon of War' and 'Bag It'.
There are five finalists, who will discover if they have won the top prize of €50,000 at a ceremony in Berlin on 13 November, for the film that the judges consider to have made the most significant positive impact on society or the environment. But they're all worthy names on the shortlist roll-call, and not just a worth watch either, but stimulating, engrossing stories, guaranteed to leave viewers intrigued, disturbed and each a little changed. What more can you ask?
Each Thursday, HuffPost UK will be featuring one of the five shortlisted films, and we're starting with 'Gasland'.

In Gasland, Josh Fox shows how just turning on a tap can have unexpected results as a consequence of fracking
GASLAND came about when director Josh Fox received a letter in 2006 from a drilling company, offering him an inconceivable amount of cash for the right to drill under his land. Intrigued, the young film-maker began an investigation that took him across America and into the hitherto unexplored world of hydraulic fracturing aka 'fracking' - from the almost comical results of turning on the water tap and starting flames, to suffering lesions both on and under the skin.
Josh Fox proved he's no coward, either, taking on statesmen determined to prevent America becoming more dependent on foreign fuel and with it "terrorism". He's been rewarded by seeing fracking move onto the public agenda, with elected officials having to be seen justifying their practices, in some cases curtailing them... and better yet, a fictional film all about the problem starring Matt Damon on its way - all from an offer that fell into his letterbox six years ago.
WATCH the stirring trailer to Gasland below...