If ever there was an invention that pressed a parent's 'I Want One of Those' button, this is it: a romper suit that turns your baby into a MOP! Pure genius!
The idea has come from an enterprising designer who has combined the traditional 'onesie' babygro with specially designed mop heads fixed to the arms and legs so that your baby can polish the floor as they learn to crawl.
The $40 (£25) Baby Mop is the brainchild of U.S. website, which was inspired by a Japanese spoof.
In the promotional blurb, the site jokes that the outfit will 'teach your baby a strong work ethic early on in their life' while helping to educate them not to drop food on the floor. Your baby 'will get a nice workout, burn off energy, and do muscle toning. And sleep better too.'
Mike Parker from said: "We have sold about 100 in just one month since adding it to our site.
"So far all the feedback from customers has been very positive, however we get some negative emails surrounding the idea of the actual product.
"It's made from microfibre mop material attached directly to the baby clothes. We use the full 'footie-type' pyjamas.
"I believe the (original) idea was submitted as part of a contest on ridiculous inventions in Japan but was never actually sold anywhere.
"But this is the real deal, it's a legit product and is proving very, very popular."
Not surprisingly, shoppers love the Baby Mops.
"All my kids wear them and my floors are very clean by the end of the day," said one.
"They aren't spotless since the mops aren't wet and can't clean up dried-up liquids. You can experiment with spraying the kids with water when they crawl to see if that helps."
"I cannot wait to order mine," said another. "I have hardwood floors and a chronic pain condition that makes it difficult to bend over for long periods of time. Baby Mop could greatly improve my quality of life!"