Rihanna 777 Tour: Singer Parties With Journalists And Fans On Board Chartered Party Plane (PICS)

Come Fly With Ri

When we found out Rihanna had invited 150 journalists and fans along to join her on her 777 tour, we were gutted that our invite seemed to have got lost in the post.

Well you can times that disappointment by a gazillion now that we've seen pics of her on board her specially chartered party plane *sticks out bottom lip*.

Just look how fun it looks!

Rihanna cracked open the champers (natch) as she made her way to Mexico for the first in seven consecutive gigs in seven different countries in celebration of the release of her seventh album.

Let's just hope she didn't intend on drinking and driving as she ventured into the cockpit.

As she took to the PA system to welcome the VIPs aboard, they didn't quite get the standard 'exists are located here, here and here' spiel...

"Ladies and gentlemen, there is an emergency code f***ing 777. Who's ready for Mexico? Who's ready for tequila?" she screamed.

You don't get that on the EasyJet Stansted to Benidorm, do you?

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