Rihanna 777 Tour: Invited Journalists Tell Of 'Captive' Hell As They Fly Around The World With Star

Journos' 'Captive' Hell On Tour With RiRi

The thought of spending a week on tour with Rihanna flying around the world on a specially chartered party plane sounds pretty amazing, right?

Well at first thought yes, but for some of the 150 invited journalists and fans flying to seven countries in seven days as part of RiRi's 777 tour, it has become a living nightmare.

Many disgruntled and sleep deprived reporters and Twitter users have likened their experience to being in prison, adding that they haven't seen Rihanna - apart from on stage - in days.

As the tour hit London last night, quotes and reports are now flooding back to their respective media outlets and it appears those on board the plane are far from in the party spirit.

A journalist reporting for Gawker calling himself 'anonymous captive journo' has claimed they are rarely allowed outside of buses or planes or hotel 'day stays'.

Rihanna's week long jaunt was supposed to be one massive party...

Meanwhile others have taken to Twitter when there has been access to the internet (which has reportedly been limited - useful for journalists) to vent their frustrations.

One journalist reporting for Fuse, overheard a Def Jam publicist being asked if Rihanna was aware of what was happening, to which she simply replied, "I don't know", before telling a group of journalists, “Someday, before we die, I’ll tell you my version of the story.”

Oh dear.

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