A proud dad-to-be captured his wife's first pregnancy in a series of 1000 photos which he then turned into an amazing stop-motion video!
First-time mum Osher Grencel was snapped by husband Tomer for the cute film which is taking the web by storm, clocking up more than 300,000 views on YouTube.
After their baby girl Emma was born, Tomer spent a month turning the photos into a single stop-motion animation, telling the story of the little girl's gestation and arrival!
The pictures range from the very gorgeous Osher sporting a flat tum at the start of her pregnancy, through to her waters breaking, and her husband pushing her off to hospital on a trolley!
In the final images, proud Osher presents baby Emma to the camera, and the family stand together for a group snap.
The popularity of the video has led Tomer to continue the project on the family's blog, Babyrules.
Aw, we love this! What do you think?
More on Parentdish: Fast forward pregnancy video - nine months in 90 seconds!