Comedy Short: Meet Delphine And Victor in 'Flavours' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Sketch - Meet Delphine And Victor

Gather round, everyone! We'd like to introduce you to Delphine and Victor - a very friendly couple, who've got to "that certain point in life when you realise you're not dead". Good for them, eh?

And to celebrate this landmark achievement, the pair star in this short film - 'Flavours' - in which they share the secret of how they get their sexual kicks. We won't spoil the surprise, but it involves driving at least eight miles away from home.

Delphine and Victor are the creations of talented comedy-writing duo Mark O'Sullivan and Miles Chapman, who've popped this sketch online while they get on with the important business of developing their first sitcom, 'Auntie Vi'.

Want to watch more great sketches? Here's a whole bunch from the BBC...


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