While 2012 has undoubtedly been a year of triumph for the likes of Emeli Sande, Mumford and Sons, Benedict Cumberbatch and Christopher Nolan, not everyone can look back on a year of undiluted triumph.
Here is our Top Ten countdown of the entertainment year's biggest fails... although you may have your own. Feel free to share!
10. The Voice UK...
Starting with a huge drum-roll and boasts of positive encouragement and expert support from the 'coaches', it all started so well, with Simon Cowell left growling as it continued to beat ITV's 'Britain's Got Talent' week and week. However, the novelty of the BBC's spinning chairs soon wore off to reveal... another tired reality talent show. While Tom Jones' cheeky grin never faltered, and Will.i.am kept texting, even they couldn't disguise the thinness of the formula, and the poor winner Leanne Mitchell's 'assured' career has so failed to materialise.
Ratings fell by the wayside, and 'Voice' producers have promised changes for the next series, although they might have to think well outside the box (kennel?) to beat another dancing dog. Let's have they have more luck than Jessie below...
9. Tom Hardy's Voice in 'The Dark Knight Rises'
While Christopher Nolan's final outing in his Batman trilogy received pretty much unanimous praise for his ambitious blockbuster with Christian Bale staying in character throughout, stunning effects and a scene-stealing turn from Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, the only hurrumphs were reserved for Tom Hardy's extraordinary villain, Bane. Not only was his face covered with a Darth Vader-lite mask, but the little squeaky voice that emerged from behind the contraption was by turns incomprehensible or, say it isn't so, decidedly effeminate. Never mind, it still topped a whopping $600 million at the global box office.
8. Cheryl Cole's live disaster at the Stand Up To Cancer gig
No words. It's the kind of live-stage horror to leave all performing artists speechless, or sort of... this was called a mike fail at the time, but this kind contributor has very strong, alternative ideas...
7. Prometheus
Ridley Scott's terrible year wasn't helped by the 124-minute 'Prometheus', billed as some sort of prequel to his great era-defining, mould-breaking Alien. The problem may have been the wonder of Alien, leading to hopes for this sci-fi offering that couldn't be matched. As it was, all the advances in cinematic technology in the time between the two films couldn't disguise the muddled narrative, with only Michael Fassbender's reputation emerging fully intact.
6. The X Factor - plummeting ratings and even talk of a fix
Even Rylan Clark's continuing banshee sobs couldn't keep viewers coming back for more so-called reality TV, particularly when it seemed it wasn't that real. All the theatrics in the world - Gary's stomping off, Tulisa calling it ridiculous, Nicole crying and Louis being caught with the producer whispering in his ear - couldn't save viewers realising that they were being sold a bit of a pup. The jury's out on which judges will be returning to their chairs for the next series, the latest being that Simon Cowell has even been reduced to taking his begging bowl and knocking on Mrs Osbourne's door. Are we ready for that... one more time?
5. John Carter, and the Battle for Taylor Kitsch's career
Oh dear. A year ago, Taylor Kitsch was a very pretty actor sitting very pretty, on the eve of the release of three blockbusters virtually guaranteed to propel him to superstardom. The first was 'John Carter', Disney's epic fantasy tale, in the comically safe hands of Andrew Stanton, Pixar's boy wonder (Toy Story, say no more). Except he's obviously handier with a paint brush than he is with a camera. 'Bombed' doesn't begin to cover John Carter's humiliation at the box office, with Disney declaring losses of between $80m and $120m on the venture, and Stanton presumably being encouraged to discover his inner animator once again.
But it was okay, because Taylor Kitsch also had 'Battleship' coming up. Rihanna, naval war games and aliens. How could it fail? And failing that (which it did), there was Oliver Stone's 'Savages', which came and went without a trace. In an interview with HuffPostUK a year ago, Taylor Kitsch reflected on the nature of celebrity. "Ask me again in a year," he joked. How we laughed.
4. Kristen Stewart's Love Twi-angle
The lead role in one of the world's most successful film franchises ever. The adoration of a generation of teenage fans, ready to buy enough cinema tickets to keep her in singlets and Converse sneakers as long for the rest of her working life. Oh, and one of the world's most lusted-after young men on her arm. Honestly, some people just don't know when they've got it going on.

Repent at leisure... Kristen Stewart with Rupert Sanders, her director on 'Snow White and the Huntsman'
But if it ain't broke... crack it in half with a misjudged affair with a married man twice your age. And time it so all this kicks off just in time for the worldwide press junket for the final instalment in aforementioned franchise, just in case you were worried nobody would be looking at you. But... the cash registers have rung, her boyfriend's forgiven her, and she's safely back in Hollywood's embrace. If Kristen Stewart wasn't smiling much before, she's laughing now.
3. Mark Wright's Hollywood Nights
You can take the boy out of Essex, but... as with all things this gloriously bad, there are no words. Whatever next, sir?
2. Tulisa's album
The meagre sales, the critical poo-pooing, the general 'meh' that greeted Ms Contostavlos's debut effort would have all been excusable in this one-play-and-forgotten age, if the same artiste hadn't been setting out her stall every winter weekend as an arbiter or all things cultural, sellable, listenable, aka an 'X Factor' judge. Even Louis Walsh has got better marketing instincts than this, and he's still looking for the next Westlife.
1. TOWIE Live
A worthy winner! From the audible 'Go' from the wings, to the acridly self-conscious asides, this was proof of what happens when you try to make reality TV... real. But it was all for charity, and with telly this bad, who needs to go out? Here's hoping 2013 can bring us similar gems. Happy Christmas!